lauantai 26. marraskuuta 2022

Tonttutaitokurjoituksesta karsittua

 U10.   24th of November 2022   U is the 21st letter of the alphabet. In the Englush alphabet there are after that VWXYZ, only five letters. I guess that that is long enough for this Christmas gnome skills text. The last part could end just : "ZZZZZZ  * * * ZZZ ZZZZZ * * * Somewhere snow is falling."


U12.   I have typically been for moral since i think that means caring the society to good to live in according to common sense. But in my environment other people have mostly been not moral at all and i have not understood the reason for it but they have seemed motivated. They say something like they could not resist the temptation, no way, if they need firewood and there is it available near by and never mind if the whole wooden house collapses as a result since it is not their own house. I do not know, but is the reason that i think that never mind is a good mild state of mind so that one can feel mildly good willing, and if one follows civiliced wisdom with wisdom of lufe and aiming at healthy ways of doing too one can so anyway care things to a good state. 

U13.   I read from the news that in some sexual crimes the police had delayed for years after the initial investigation, and so the crime was too old for punishment. So it is that if people are sensitive and wise enough, maybe religious in a well working way too, the wisest courses are not always the most straightforward ones and especially long delays and forgetting may give people better room to cope with feelings. Such often looks like a crime but is instead often considerate behaviour toward the feelings of others. It is also so that often professionals produce lower quality than the ordinary life of an ordinary citizen, because professionals associate a lot with just problems and that is where they try to keep up their professionsl skills, and they just wish thst the rest of the society would take care of itself, ordinary people survive by their own skills. 

U14.   If one is a young adult and would like to live in some other town, second hand shops' clothes and furniture may offer a more varied kinds of styles, values and ways of living, since those are from quite many towns and villages. 

U15.   If the world is of spirit, what you have lately been interested in brings you social influencies, kind of creates some parts of the landscape you are in, and likewise if you get attached to some atmosphere, even if it is opposing it and asking what it is, it is as if on some spiritual side your rats had catched the subject, young uneducated rats eager to learn about the world and try everything out. But if you just eat something, for example a biscuit it may draw the attention to that kind of peaceful lufe and harms disappear. 

U16.   I think that if there via the new year celebrations around the world is a danger of war, your own peaceful interests may safeguard you against wars, even if wars are a large scale thing. Others too want to avoid nuclear bombs, so you may have a following, and if the world is of spirit, you may by peaceful goodwilling life choose to live in a world without wars, at least without wars near by. While someone else may run into wars. 

U17.   In questions of war and cultural influencies it is good to notice that many in the tropics look so depressed that sickness, death and ghe end of the world may be goals for many, even for many nationalities, and so the wish for war in the air may be a wish for the end of the world. What happens around the end of the world is i guess at least partly a spiritual kind of thing. So there may be many possible fates depending on which values one respects and where and how one has lived. 

U18.   Some wanting death and/or an end of the world may cause masses of migration. So if you on some spiritual side or in social influencies in the air, run into some insistent not-so-wise influencies, ask on which part of the world they are, on which continent, even if they claim to be local. 

U19.   25th of November 2022   Some young men think that it is good if a soldier wants to die, but it is not so since a dead soldier isn't useful. A person who wants to die usually thinks that life is somehow too tough, so one kind of wants to dimmen and lazy out of that, maybe die and maybe change to a dream job and be forgotten from the old spheres of life. If such person wants to be a soldier, he often thinks that he will go there and be bad influence to others so they maybe die. It may also be a reckless wish to change to other kind of content to life, even die in that attempt if it goes so. That is maybe like moving to an entirely different kind of place and profession and cutting old ties. Those who stay alive that way ought not fight for the original place and culture, since they are of some other human type judged by what keeps them alive. If one wants to dimmen and lazy away from old spheres of life but isn't allowed to do so, one may react by doing nasty attacks toward others, which is often more typical to women and mighr bw cured by not knitting, since knitting makes one stupid, and by sewing from thick warm fabric of tge local climate instead.

U20. " So, to pains seems to help to watch this picture of a horse.

The horse has in fact been made to be a model of life according to feelings. More room for feelings mildens pains, since pains often are a consequence of some thing being difficult to bear, it pressures, is nasty or the like, so then more room for one's own feelings brings freedom to be without hurting oneself somehow.
In the hrose it is essential that it runs in an arch instead of coming straight toward from which a conflict was born and more pain, instead it curves it's way according to it's heart's wishes, and so it all the time chooses a good route and a good way to be and do, which lessens pains since one can then choose just good options.
The horse runs it's own ways and enjoys it's time, which too eases one's feelings when one can choose just the right thing to do, right things to do, right ways of doing etc for oneself.
The horse has been made (by me) to be a knit model, so it is nice things to do that many like, their ways of doing, their spirit and ways of being social, and at the same time softened social ways like on a coffee table and teh social ways of a person in one's hobby which is free, friendly and leaves others at least part of the time further aweay.
The horse as it runs has healthy spirit and is sporty.

The picture should be looked at with social eye and not copied, especially not copied detailedly ad not acted at all. Instead like on one's own do things in the same theme, so especially things according to feelings, and listen how it affects how one feels.
"   From my healing blog 

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