lauantai 3. helmikuuta 2024

Is there a danger of a man or boy to look like a girl or a woman?

 In the 1980's I was in school age, likewise my two years younger brother who was interested in becoming an actor. I was born 8.8.1971, so my brother tried to figure out a way to attack me and other girls and maybe women too by claiming that the number 8 is too womanly for boys. So in the 1980's he was interested in if actors could arrange some man look so woman like in some picture that all men would flee to some "ööööö" style and refuse to alliw any womanly style or lufe according to feelings to gurls and women.

In today's news there was a claimed picture of a famous 1980's boy band Dingo, but it was from a planned movie, so it was not actually from the 1980's. But in tge pictyre there was at first sight an amazingly womanly charming looking man, sensitive like is considered good for high skills, but maybe not so detailedly right but instead lije a young person's guess of sensitive observatiobs and reactions which include the sense if atmospheres and a sense of beauty too. But the man looked like social only with men and boys who oppose such a style, and getting the looks only from copying from womdn and girls and from folliwing the wishes of others, so that it was like pretending to have such characteristics and skills without folliwing those viewpoints' values, skills, picture of the world etc. So it was like a disguise of someone wanting to murder people who do not accept to near by people who lack their skills and values. In addition the picture had curly womanly hair like a rificule of the number 8, instead of the oldfashioned kind of rigid curly or wavy hair associated with times hundreds of years ago or some arts oriented people, which has been typical if some man wants to have a curly hair. A curly hair is associated with some kibd of good lufe, with such wisdom in tge art of living, so it is wanted that wise enough such wisdom is alliwed widely and so also some men having a curly or wavy hair. 

Anyway, the characteristics of different people reflect their skills, values, ways of living, etc, and typically such are wished for in both women and men. Tge physical abd also social characteristics of women seem to come from always starting from the point of vuew of wisdom of life, while those of men from starting from doing the needed chores at hand. So a wlman at home thinks, what would I or we now need for good life, it seems that I woukd now start doing home chores. Whike a man at home thinks, what needs to be dlne at home, I will start doing those chores, so I can take it leisurely after a while, sit in the sofa for a miment and see what I would do next if anything needs to be done. 

sunnuntai 28. tammikuuta 2024

Climate obstacles

 Finland in northern Europe is so near the arctic that climate skills are a necessity for staying alive. That does not mean that there would be no other factors affecting life. Anyway, people who without enough skills try to do something which requires really much skills and dedication, typically fail almost all the time and hurt themselves and get angry. In cultures which value skills highlt, such is known to be typical in demanding tasks for which one does not have enough skills, experience or dedication. So people living in cold climates tend to suppose that also foreigners would notice that if they fall ill or feel bad about weathers, that means that at least on some part they do not have enough skills to live in that climate nowadays. Typically they should move to a climate which they like, like whst it demands and gives the possibility to, what kibds of ways of doing, learning, wisdom of lufe, the emohazis on different areas of lufe, etc it is suited to, like such lufe ebdlessly, and like it's level of compkexity, the atmospheres of the traditional wisdom of lufe of living in that climate. Such they are tuned to learning, enjoy such lufe, such living environment. 

But it often happens that foreigners get angry claiming that the cold climate is caused by the locals being malicious. Yet jyst about all in Finland have vhosen the place based on wanting to live in a cold or cool climate, some just musedtimated how north or high high in the mountains that would be. 

Cold weather is tough for the skin. So one must shelter the skin with warm enough clothes. The clothes that look styly in warmer countrues are too thin or of too cold material in a colder climate. Going under a thick padded winter blanket, leaving only head outside, typically makes one feel better because of being in warmth and getting enough normal skin's healthy bacteria in the warmth. But cold air around  be it outdoors or a cool room, is tough for the skkn. In southern Eurooe the behaviour and states of mind seem to say, if those were nice people, it is as if one were presently removing a plastic band that has covered a small woubd for it to heal, so it is lije outch, why do you do that, can we cure the ways here to something nicer and more comfortable - but the effecg continuing because it is the cold or cool air without any really hot days. Here in the north the situation seems to be, as if saying Grr, now this has to end, let's go arrange things in some wsy well again like where in the southern Europe it was warm yet civiliced.