maanantai 29. heinäkuuta 2024

My books

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

lauantai 3. helmikuuta 2024

Is there a danger of a man or boy to look like a girl or a woman?

 In the 1980's I was in school age, likewise my two years younger brother who was interested in becoming an actor. I was born 8.8.1971, so my brother tried to figure out a way to attack me and other girls and maybe women too by claiming that the number 8 is too womanly for boys. So in the 1980's he was interested in if actors could arrange some man look so woman like in some picture that all men would flee to some "ööööö" style and refuse to alliw any womanly style or lufe according to feelings to gurls and women.

In today's news there was a claimed picture of a famous 1980's boy band Dingo, but it was from a planned movie, so it was not actually from the 1980's. But in tge pictyre there was at first sight an amazingly womanly charming looking man, sensitive like is considered good for high skills, but maybe not so detailedly right but instead lije a young person's guess of sensitive observatiobs and reactions which include the sense if atmospheres and a sense of beauty too. But the man looked like social only with men and boys who oppose such a style, and getting the looks only from copying from womdn and girls and from folliwing the wishes of others, so that it was like pretending to have such characteristics and skills without folliwing those viewpoints' values, skills, picture of the world etc. So it was like a disguise of someone wanting to murder people who do not accept to near by people who lack their skills and values. In addition the picture had curly womanly hair like a rificule of the number 8, instead of the oldfashioned kind of rigid curly or wavy hair associated with times hundreds of years ago or some arts oriented people, which has been typical if some man wants to have a curly hair. A curly hair is associated with some kibd of good lufe, with such wisdom in tge art of living, so it is wanted that wise enough such wisdom is alliwed widely and so also some men having a curly or wavy hair. 

Anyway, the characteristics of different people reflect their skills, values, ways of living, etc, and typically such are wished for in both women and men. Tge physical abd also social characteristics of women seem to come from always starting from the point of vuew of wisdom of life, while those of men from starting from doing the needed chores at hand. So a wlman at home thinks, what would I or we now need for good life, it seems that I woukd now start doing home chores. Whike a man at home thinks, what needs to be dlne at home, I will start doing those chores, so I can take it leisurely after a while, sit in the sofa for a miment and see what I would do next if anything needs to be done. 

sunnuntai 28. tammikuuta 2024

Climate obstacles

 Finland in northern Europe is so near the arctic that climate skills are a necessity for staying alive. That does not mean that there would be no other factors affecting life. Anyway, people who without enough skills try to do something which requires really much skills and dedication, typically fail almost all the time and hurt themselves and get angry. In cultures which value skills highlt, such is known to be typical in demanding tasks for which one does not have enough skills, experience or dedication. So people living in cold climates tend to suppose that also foreigners would notice that if they fall ill or feel bad about weathers, that means that at least on some part they do not have enough skills to live in that climate nowadays. Typically they should move to a climate which they like, like whst it demands and gives the possibility to, what kibds of ways of doing, learning, wisdom of lufe, the emohazis on different areas of lufe, etc it is suited to, like such lufe ebdlessly, and like it's level of compkexity, the atmospheres of the traditional wisdom of lufe of living in that climate. Such they are tuned to learning, enjoy such lufe, such living environment. 

But it often happens that foreigners get angry claiming that the cold climate is caused by the locals being malicious. Yet jyst about all in Finland have vhosen the place based on wanting to live in a cold or cool climate, some just musedtimated how north or high high in the mountains that would be. 

Cold weather is tough for the skin. So one must shelter the skin with warm enough clothes. The clothes that look styly in warmer countrues are too thin or of too cold material in a colder climate. Going under a thick padded winter blanket, leaving only head outside, typically makes one feel better because of being in warmth and getting enough normal skin's healthy bacteria in the warmth. But cold air around  be it outdoors or a cool room, is tough for the skkn. In southern Eurooe the behaviour and states of mind seem to say, if those were nice people, it is as if one were presently removing a plastic band that has covered a small woubd for it to heal, so it is lije outch, why do you do that, can we cure the ways here to something nicer and more comfortable - but the effecg continuing because it is the cold or cool air without any really hot days. Here in the north the situation seems to be, as if saying Grr, now this has to end, let's go arrange things in some wsy well again like where in the southern Europe it was warm yet civiliced. 

tiistai 17. lokakuuta 2023

Some social eye to untie tangles

 There aren't such thing as a personally typical style to do the same thing. If one looks different, one is doing some other thing, for example ways of doing are different or one's values are different or one has a different amount of experience or the social relations or cultures are different. 

When people are over 20 years old and do not live with their parents anymore, they typicslly aren't interested in associating much with their parents. So they oppose such and look bored and fed up and try just handle the practical sides of the matters at hand and try even aggressively protect their own personal space and freedom against the mischievous attemots of others to cheat their mom, dad, childhood relatives or other youth environment to treat them like babies when they look happier on their own so that the childhood environment thinks they look inviting and mistake them for the professional younger generation admirers that they have later found as their "children" which also women's magazines talk about. The adult children are forced by others to associate with their parents etc just in dealing with matters like asking money help when in need, being referred to as relative even though not getting along as friends or the like, being co.pared with them, being seen in a landscape with them evdn if ghey do not associate at all ever and even if they like different styles, professions, cultures, social ways, values, polutical views etc. 

Some people do not understand or know that many of their later years presumed relatives are other people who like their company, like theur way of lufe, skills etc, even their career is a new refrwshing thing to those presumed relatives, while their real relatives got fed up and went somewhere elsewhere where life was interesting and refreshing and friendlily much more of their own kind. So when such people meet their own relative, they look first at some side still friendly and happy and kind of soft like people used to be where they lije to be, but then when the old relative tries to push the social relation to more clise, they turn to say "No. Absolutely No!" or the like, unlike the prifessilnal admurers and unlike the pictures painted by women's magazines. Yet these people are marked many times in many ways real relatives, so there is no right to attack them like a thaiboxing kick to the stomach, lije a big piece of wood hitting a cushion, the air pressing out of lungs and the person bent double. That is not what is meant by mitherly behaviour, that is not what a mither, father or their present day social contacts have the right to. Neither have they the right to attack the loved ones or friends or admurers or good willing ok environment of their adult relatives, not even via others and no right to spy on them, since more distant relationships would be clearly seen in not knowing about the later years of the childhood relatives or other younger years near environment. And so new admirers & other new people would better discern whom they are interested in. Relatives often have similar sounding strenghts which have a very fifferent content. 

torstai 18. toukokuuta 2023

About the upbringing of children & of pets


b13.   18th of May 2023   I do not have children of my own but the two companion dogs that I had were really nice characters and even responsible, friendly toward others and with a good understanding and an individual character. In my experience they developed toward where they had been freely, learned on their own but with the support of the livibg environment somewhere near by, like having a higher general skill level because of having been taught some other skill yet doing completely freely, they picked tge areas of life via interest and having gotten personal successes in them, via having talent. They did not respond well to being closely superwised, but were considerate toward others if others explained their views. Mentioning some wisdom once brought good results but trying to solve the same problem always in the same way did not work out. My dogs did not have so good healthy ways of living, so I adviced to look at the atmosphere of trees while on a walk. Only later i learned ghat ghey had looked at every leaf eyc, while my glance only passed by tops of the trees in a second or two. Being considerate toward others was a value of their breeds. It was also taught by letting ghe dog or puppy be freely and by being considerate toward what was good for it and toward it's views and likings, and by telling what wisdom says about being considerate toward others and keeping the world good to live in, and if there was a problem between two dogs, giving them a good picture of the world of where the wise rules go in practice, like each dog left kn peace, have it's own space a minimum of one dog width, when it so longs for, and their momentary needs met by altering the arrangements for the time being. 


torstai 4. toukokuuta 2023

"Äiti vai mikä"

 Äiti on henkilö, joka tekee kaiken yhdessä, elää saman perheen elämää, on sosiaalisesti lähes aina mukana. Ihminen itse on se, joka käytännössä aina vaalii oman elämänsä, joka askeleen, joka hetken tunteidemukaisuuden ja jatkuvasti pitää silmällä, sopivatko asiat itselle. Opettaja on kuin harrastusfriikki, josta on kiva, että muutkin harrastavat, ja josta on kiva, että nuoret oppivat elämäntaitoja. Jatkuvasti toisen kohdalleen haluaa ihan kipeä, jonka oloa se lievittää.

27.7.2023   Ylen nettiuutinen kertoo mm salaliittoteoriasta, jonka mukaan maailma on jotenkin jakautunut siskoihin ja "illuihin" ja jossa mm sanotaan, että illut ovat ryhmä, joka on kai jotenkin tullut muualta, ilmeisesti ulkoavaruudesta, ja teofia jatkuu, että liskot ovat tulleet ulkoavaruudesta ja hallitsevat meitä.   Tämä kuulostaa poikien ja nuorten miesten yhteiseltä tavalta sabotoida siskoilta pois elintila ja oikeudet. 

maanantai 17. huhtikuuta 2023

Maiden välisistä eroista, ym

 Koulussa aikanaan pojat omaksuivat mm tyhmyyden tavoittelua, kun tropiikkilaiset kuulemma eivät olleet niin sivistyneitä ja fiksuja. Muttei muu maailma ole niin kukn joku tropiikkilainen henkilö tai ryhmä. Maat ovat kyllä hallinnollisia yksiköitä, jotka järjestävät koitain asioita yhdessä virallisen tasonsa tai pääkulttuurinsa ohjauksessa. Mutta niin kukn kullakin koululuokalla on eri ammatteihkn haluavia ja eri maista kiinnostuneita, niin myös aikuisissa on vielä vahvempina näitä eroja yms. Suomeen ei ole ryntäämässä koko tropiikki vaan kai lähinnä mahdollisimman viilrästä elinympäristöstä tai suomalaisesta sivistyneen järjen määrästä harrastuneet tropiikkilaiset tms Suomi-suhteita omaavat. Samoin ei elämä ole kaikille samoissa ympyröissä pyörimistä vaan maakin koostuu eri ryhmistä, joilla yleensä ln eri ulkomaat kiinnostuksenkohteinaan, siis ne joissa kulttuuri on samoin harrastunut tai samanlainen arvoiltaan ja taitotasoltaan. 

perjantai 14. huhtikuuta 2023

Kovin ulkomaalaisista

 Onkohan moni kovin ulkomaalaisen oloinen Suomessa vauvasta asti asunut, joka on lähes aina kovin harrastunut noista ulkomaista, joiden maalaiseksi häntä luullaan? Ja onkohan moni heistä geeneiltään noista maista, esim. Afrikan helteen sammuttavuutta kaipaava? Mikä sitten estää heitä muuttamasta sinne, minne kulttuurillisesti pyrkivät mukautumaan? Saavatko he heilansa noista maista Suomeen muuttaneista, jotka eivät halua muuttaa takaisin entisiin oloihinsa? Mutta Suomesta sinne muuttavat olisi erillinen ryhmä. Sen pitäisi mennä turismin ja noiden maiden järjestämän pehmeän laskun kautta. Lapsi oli liian nuori muuttamaan itsenäisesti. Voisiko jo teini löytää paikan, tai parikymppinen? Kaikki ihmisten antamat ohjeet eivät pudä paikkaansa ja muuton viivästyminen vuosien verran kertoo, että jotkut ohjeet on ymmärretty väärin. Maailma ei ole täynnä pakkoa vaan aikuisdn ihmisen on muutettava aikuisille varsttua reittiä turismin, väliaikaisen asunnon, pidempiaikaisen asunnon ja kulttuuriin sulautumisen tietä. 

Kuumista maista ja kai lämpimämmistä maista Suomeen muuttaneilla on kai monella syynä, etteivät jotenkin kestä kuumaa. Heiltä on kestokyky sen suhteen loppu ja siksi tulevat hyvin paljon kylmempään maahan, mutta niin voi käydä, jostakin lähtien vain kuumassa elämisen taidot kateissa, pupu pöksyssä, muttei se kai aina ole heilan vaikutetta vaan jonkun muun esim argentiinalaisen mukamas tunneviisaan naisen vaikutetta ties mistä tullut, mutta se on kuitenkin oppimiskyvytön vire, joka meinaa, ettei nykyisellään tuota reittiä onnistu. Ihminen kai oli jonkin verran taitava esim kuuman kestämisessä, ehkei pitänyt mutta saattoi elellä niin arkeaan. Mutta sitten jossain välissä alkoi hirvittää kuumassa eläminen, ja jonkun ajan päästä kenties uuden samaistumisryhmän myötä jonkun kerran alkoi hirvittää niin, että lähti pois vain, jätti entisdn elämänsä tosta noin vain ja muutti seudulle, jolla tuota vaaraa ei ole, ja sopeutui noihin aivan eri oloihin, vaikkei kai aiemmin ollut niin aikonut sukeltaa moiseen ja ankkuroitua ko seutuun kulttuureineen. Mutta sellaiseen hirvitykseen on siis syy, taidot kadonneet tai tilanne muuttunut taidoille ylitsepääsemättömän hankalaksi. Eli syy on kai väluttömän kuoleman vaara, jollei vaihda parempaan taktiikkaan. 

Jos tropiikkiin muuttaa aikoville näyttää käyvän samantapaisesti, on muuttotaktiikkaa korjattava enemmän sellaiseksi kuin miten aikuiset yleensä oppivat ja mikä on tarpeeksi turvallista, jollei vielä kaikkea koko ajan osaa. 

Tietääkseni tuollainen hirvitys ei mene ohi vaikka itse luulisi niin, sillä kun nuorena aikuisena kokeilin koskimelontaa ja se oli kivaa mutta kaaduin kerran, niin siitä jäi ei-niin-sujuva olo ja hirvitys, joiden ajattelin menevän ohi parissa-kolmessa päivässä muttei ole mennyt ohi yli kahdessakymmenessä vuodessa, kuolemanvaara huteron taitotason vuoksi. Mutta muuta on voinut tehdä ihan taitavasti, vaaratta, ainakin montaa tekemistä. 

torstai 16. helmikuuta 2023


 Voikohan, kun lasten vanhemmat usein menevät jumiin, ja kun nelikymppisestä eteenpäin ainakin osalta ihmisistä tuppaa jäämään perustason järki puutteelluseksi, kun ei ole siihen harjaannusta, niin voiko olla, että lastenhoitovuoroja kuuluisi olla useammilla, esim tunti kerrallaan tai pari. Mutta se kai keittäisi sosiaalisia soppia liikaa. 

lauantai 26. marraskuuta 2022

Tonttutaitokurjoituksesta karsittua

 U10.   24th of November 2022   U is the 21st letter of the alphabet. In the Englush alphabet there are after that VWXYZ, only five letters. I guess that that is long enough for this Christmas gnome skills text. The last part could end just : "ZZZZZZ  * * * ZZZ ZZZZZ * * * Somewhere snow is falling."


U12.   I have typically been for moral since i think that means caring the society to good to live in according to common sense. But in my environment other people have mostly been not moral at all and i have not understood the reason for it but they have seemed motivated. They say something like they could not resist the temptation, no way, if they need firewood and there is it available near by and never mind if the whole wooden house collapses as a result since it is not their own house. I do not know, but is the reason that i think that never mind is a good mild state of mind so that one can feel mildly good willing, and if one follows civiliced wisdom with wisdom of lufe and aiming at healthy ways of doing too one can so anyway care things to a good state. 

U13.   I read from the news that in some sexual crimes the police had delayed for years after the initial investigation, and so the crime was too old for punishment. So it is that if people are sensitive and wise enough, maybe religious in a well working way too, the wisest courses are not always the most straightforward ones and especially long delays and forgetting may give people better room to cope with feelings. Such often looks like a crime but is instead often considerate behaviour toward the feelings of others. It is also so that often professionals produce lower quality than the ordinary life of an ordinary citizen, because professionals associate a lot with just problems and that is where they try to keep up their professionsl skills, and they just wish thst the rest of the society would take care of itself, ordinary people survive by their own skills. 

U14.   If one is a young adult and would like to live in some other town, second hand shops' clothes and furniture may offer a more varied kinds of styles, values and ways of living, since those are from quite many towns and villages. 

U15.   If the world is of spirit, what you have lately been interested in brings you social influencies, kind of creates some parts of the landscape you are in, and likewise if you get attached to some atmosphere, even if it is opposing it and asking what it is, it is as if on some spiritual side your rats had catched the subject, young uneducated rats eager to learn about the world and try everything out. But if you just eat something, for example a biscuit it may draw the attention to that kind of peaceful lufe and harms disappear. 

U16.   I think that if there via the new year celebrations around the world is a danger of war, your own peaceful interests may safeguard you against wars, even if wars are a large scale thing. Others too want to avoid nuclear bombs, so you may have a following, and if the world is of spirit, you may by peaceful goodwilling life choose to live in a world without wars, at least without wars near by. While someone else may run into wars. 

U17.   In questions of war and cultural influencies it is good to notice that many in the tropics look so depressed that sickness, death and ghe end of the world may be goals for many, even for many nationalities, and so the wish for war in the air may be a wish for the end of the world. What happens around the end of the world is i guess at least partly a spiritual kind of thing. So there may be many possible fates depending on which values one respects and where and how one has lived. 

U18.   Some wanting death and/or an end of the world may cause masses of migration. So if you on some spiritual side or in social influencies in the air, run into some insistent not-so-wise influencies, ask on which part of the world they are, on which continent, even if they claim to be local. 

U19.   25th of November 2022   Some young men think that it is good if a soldier wants to die, but it is not so since a dead soldier isn't useful. A person who wants to die usually thinks that life is somehow too tough, so one kind of wants to dimmen and lazy out of that, maybe die and maybe change to a dream job and be forgotten from the old spheres of life. If such person wants to be a soldier, he often thinks that he will go there and be bad influence to others so they maybe die. It may also be a reckless wish to change to other kind of content to life, even die in that attempt if it goes so. That is maybe like moving to an entirely different kind of place and profession and cutting old ties. Those who stay alive that way ought not fight for the original place and culture, since they are of some other human type judged by what keeps them alive. If one wants to dimmen and lazy away from old spheres of life but isn't allowed to do so, one may react by doing nasty attacks toward others, which is often more typical to women and mighr bw cured by not knitting, since knitting makes one stupid, and by sewing from thick warm fabric of tge local climate instead.

U20. " So, to pains seems to help to watch this picture of a horse.

The horse has in fact been made to be a model of life according to feelings. More room for feelings mildens pains, since pains often are a consequence of some thing being difficult to bear, it pressures, is nasty or the like, so then more room for one's own feelings brings freedom to be without hurting oneself somehow.
In the hrose it is essential that it runs in an arch instead of coming straight toward from which a conflict was born and more pain, instead it curves it's way according to it's heart's wishes, and so it all the time chooses a good route and a good way to be and do, which lessens pains since one can then choose just good options.
The horse runs it's own ways and enjoys it's time, which too eases one's feelings when one can choose just the right thing to do, right things to do, right ways of doing etc for oneself.
The horse has been made (by me) to be a knit model, so it is nice things to do that many like, their ways of doing, their spirit and ways of being social, and at the same time softened social ways like on a coffee table and teh social ways of a person in one's hobby which is free, friendly and leaves others at least part of the time further aweay.
The horse as it runs has healthy spirit and is sporty.

The picture should be looked at with social eye and not copied, especially not copied detailedly ad not acted at all. Instead like on one's own do things in the same theme, so especially things according to feelings, and listen how it affects how one feels.
"   From my healing blog 

keskiviikko 19. lokakuuta 2022

Opettajien puheista

 Vuodenaikojen elämisen taitoja on oppinut koulussa kai pikemminkin koulujen oppikirjojen ulkopuolisista ooettajien puheista, tekemisistä, asenteista ym mallista. Siitä jää vaikutelma, että sellaiset on tarkoitettu ooetuksen osiksi. Kuitenkin (mies)opettajien puheet sosiaalisista asioista ovat kai yleensä olleet niin pahasti pielessä, että siitä ovat kasvaneet pieleen lähes kaikki opettajia matkivat. Ainoa johtopäätös on ollut, ettei ole tarkoitus matkua ooettajia. Jos opettajan mahakipu tai muu työlöstyneisyys aiheuttaa ison osan oppilaiden huonosta olosta, eikö juuri ooettajia kuuluisi korjata? 

lauantai 8. lokakuuta 2022

Kuka on millainenkin

 Olen alunperin Helsingistä, asunut 11 vuotta Savonlinnassa, ja nyt asun uudelleen Espoossa. Savonlinnassa sain vaikutelman, että oli paljon murhia ja että murhaajat jotenkin tunnistivat jotkyt ihmiset johonkin ihmistyyppiin, jota inhosivat ja joka kenties kuuluikin tappaa, niin ettei siitä mäyttänyt tulevan heille esim hengellisiä ongelmia niin kuin olisi luullut käyvän, jos itse olisi tappanut jlnkun. Armeijassa minua on hämmästyttänyt sama : kuinka tunnistaa ihmistyypit että kuka aina tekee mitä ja kenet siis pitäisi tappaa. Tätä mietin tänään, niin mieleeni tuli kuin joku olisi sanonut, että hän tunnistaa ihmiset spsiaslisina olentoina, ei arvoiltaan vaan miten heidän seurassaan tuppaa käymään luppohetkknä, ikään kuin ajatuksin ja ääneen mietittyjen päämäärien välissä tai niiddn siivellä. Kai siis että joku esim ln laiska ja koku äksy ja koku kohtuuton toisia kohtaan ja koku yrittää koulumallusdsti olla kjnnollinen eikä tee muille mitään. 

lauantai 24. syyskuuta 2022

Suomalaisten elintilan katoamisesta

 Ainakin minulla oli teininä ja nuorena aikuisena luonnottoman vähän elintilaa, jonka kuitenkin olisin omalla elämänviisaudellani, luobteenhyveilläni ja taidoillani, mm tunneviisaudella ansainnut. Intialaiset naiset Suomessa taas tuntuvat väittävän itselleen kuuluvan sellaisen elintilan, vaikka he ovat ihan erilaisia, Intia mm matemaatikoistaan kuulu. Vietnamin sanotaan jotenkin kääntävän ympäri, mm itselleen vastakohtiensa asemaa maailmassa. Katselin äsken vudeon olikohan thaimaalaisten suhreista tiikereihin, ja siinä näytti kuin heillä olisi kamalasti suomenkielisten suomalaisten lasten asemaa tiikereillä, ja meille kai tullut aasialaisten tiikereiden tilannetta. Intialaiset kai väittävät joidenkin hametyypoien ja kukkakuvioiden juuluvan ihan vain intialaisille, ja kai sen perusteella myös tuon tunneviisauden, jota kukkahame viestisi, ja osin perustelevat noita, että muka naivat ko suomalaisia, muttei se tunnu käyvän yksiin sen kanssa, milloin ja keneltä ovat elintilan ryöstäneet. Onkohan pikemminkin niin, että aasialaiset tiikerit ovat seksuaalusessa määrin harrastuneita suomenkielusten suomalaisten keskudtelevaisuuteen liirtyvästä asemasta. 

Onko kulttuurillisesti suomenkielisten suomalaisten asema korvautunut häkissä olevan tiikerin elintilalla, tms? 

Typical errors of people from the tropics travelling to Europe

I got an email advertisement with lots of pictures that seemed to cause the mistaken guess that African style is what Europe longs for. In the pictures African would be just fat, without any wisdom or happiness. While the Eurooean is with a large understanding and lots of skills of öiving in cool, and so experiencing lufe pleasant and rich.

This error is so big that some Africans think that they ought to kill and replace original European cultures in Europe. 

Now’s the best time to go ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 
Fall in Europe
Image Description: A cut-out montage of the Statue of Athena and the Parthenon, hovering over a scenic river cruise
Fall in Europe brings lower temps and thinning crowds. It’s great for exploring cultural cities like Athens on foot, where a stroll can take you across epic ancient worlds.
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